A recent study published in the Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease (Aril, 2016) found that women diagnosed with cervical cancer were more likely to report being physically inactive than women without cervical cancer. The case-control study included 128 patients diagnosed with cervical cancer and 512 women who were not diagnosed with cervical cancer. Both groups of women completed a questionnaire about their physical activity defined by the 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. The guidelines defined “inactive” physical activity as less than four sessions of exercise per month. By analyzing these results, it was discovered that being physically inactive was associated with a 2.5 fold-higher risk of cervical cancer.
For more details, click on the link below: http://journals.lww.com/jlgtd/Abstract/publishahead/Impact_of_Physical_Inactivity_on_Risk_of.99617.aspx