Scientists have previously found evidence that the hormone estrogen is elevated in cervical cancer. On June 8th, 2015 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a study was released that found estrogen receptors seem to disappear in cervical cancer tumors, countering previous research findings. Researchers used gene expression profiling on 128 samples from 4,000 women who are participating in the Study to Understand Cervical Cancer Early Endpoints and Determinants. Lead researcher Johan den Boon stated the goal of the project was to discover “genetic signatures that will predict what early stages of HPV infections are most likely to become cancerous, and what stages we need to worry less about.” They found that estrogen receptors are in healthy cells, but decrease dramatically as the cells become cancerous. The next phase of this research is underway and will help determine why these decreasing levels take place. The findings can not only be useful in fighting cervical cancer, but also other cancers where estrogen plays an important role such as breast and prostate cancer.
Read the abstract here: